3 years so far and i have 1 and a half left to go.
never thought time would go this fast but soon im gunna have to let it all go
I think high school lets you realize whats in life
High school makes you realize that they are real and fake people out there
High school makes you realize that there ARE actually every type of human being out there
High school makes you realize that the world isnt just in black and white
Today in health class my teacher was talking about high school and how its different from when she used to be in it. She made me realize that the 4 years your in it is just a little chunk out of your life.But that little chunk can feel like forever when your in the midst of it all.
She then went on saying that depending on how an individual is brought up, is taught in his or her home, it can determine what kind of person they are and will sometimes be.
on the contrary high school has the ability to change people.
we learn from our teachers
but mostly take after our peers
and that is when my catholic school teachers voice comes back in my head saying to be careful who we choose to hang out with, because it WILL reflect back on us and how we are as a group instead of as an individual.
With all these recent facebook pages going around I would like to hope that people are strong enough to keep their head up.
I would like to think that I am strong enough to handle whatever was put my way and it breaks my heart when I see that kids will end their life because of what someone else is saying about them
Overall high school is just a time in your life where you really get to see life as it is
you get to discover yourself as an individual
and hopefully grow into a person you can honestly be proud of
So in counting I have exactly 15 months left of my high school career and in those 15 months I would like to study harder, make more great friends, and be able to find out who I am just a bit more
Because in the end, I know high school is only 720 days out of my whole life =)