Monday, July 19, 2010

self .

you ever take a step back outta your shoes and look at yourself.?
i dont mean just look through the mirror and see the person staring back at you .
but really look at yourself .
see the person you really are .
see the person you want others to see .
see the person inside the person we see .

you ever think that a simple word someone says can just take it all away.?

friends call each other names all the time . family members call each other names . and all it does is just grows and grows . until one day its just a pile . a huge mound that sometimes we can not move .

its upp to us to choose whether were going to fight back and move it or have it effect who we are .

big small . short tall . fat skinny . black white . any type of form you are . dnt let anyone get inside your heart .

are you one of those people who like to put upp a front.? put a invisible mask over your face and pretend to be something you your not ?
just let it go . its not worth all the pain its going to cause later in life .

everyone has there own path to choose . everyone decides what he or she wants to live that path .
everyone has the chance to make there own character .

we shouldnt let other people try and define who we are cause only a single individual has the right to do it.
a single individual has the right to write his or her page in their personal book .

try and think about whether you let people define you . effect how you live your life . or how you act to the next person you see .

Stop !
(because only you have the right to decide)

**think nice and hard . let things go . be yourself { never let others knock down a gorgeous smile }

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