Wednesday, August 11, 2010


"now im faded into someone else made me someone i dont wanna be. now im faded my true colors gone like a picture nobody sees"

ever do the unthinkable for someone you love.? have you ever thought that your doing it now and you dont even notice.? has that person ever changed you into something you thought and knew you werent, but you let them flip your mind and had them form you to be the exactly way they want you to be.

the exact way they want you to act dress talk and even communicate with others

it isnt you.! { so why are you this way.? }

think about all the sacrifices youve done in life .
all the things you had to change, maybe even you changed.? but was it your own decision.? your own choice.?

NEVER let someone try and change who you really are . dont change anything just to prove yourself to others, because in the long run . its YOU who is most important in life . not the one trying to change you.

remember misery loves company . and company can come in many ways. so watch out and make sure you dont get hit . because if you do . sooner or later your gunna start to change . your gunna turn into someone your not even going to know . someone you were never meant to be, someone your not supposed to be.

fade- to gradually grow faint and disappear

why would you wanna dissappear.? why would you not wanna be seen by others for who you truly are.?
did u do something in life that made you think this way.?

dont let someone come in your life and shape you into something perfect .
news flash.! there doing it for themselves

like the song says: " i dont wanna be your little picture perfect pretty girl { thats got nothing to say
} im not gunna wait around let you run my whole life down so you can watch me fade away.!"

dont let anyone try and run you down . dont let anyone let you fade away .
break outta that box .
and do whats best for YOU.!

really think about this

***are you faded.?

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